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Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Tanja Vogel



Personal Data 

Title                                        Prof. Dr.                      

First name                             Tanja               

Name                                     Vogel               

Current position                     Full professor (W3)                 

ORCID                                   0000-0002-0602-9133


Qualifications and Career   

Degree programme               

10/1988-01/1994, Biochemistry, diploma, University of Hannover, Germany


07/1994-11/1997, Dr. rer. nat., Evolution and Regulation of the TSPY gene locus, supervisor: Prof. Dr. J. Schmidtke, Department of Human Genetics, Medical School Hannover, Germany

Further stages                       

04/2011-today, Professor, Department of Molecular Embryology, Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Freiburg, Germany 

06/2010, Habilitation: Anatomy, University Medicine Göttingen, Germany

08/2005-03/2011, Group leader, Department of Neuroanatomy, Centre for Anatomy, University Medicine Göttingen, Germany

02/2000-07/2005, Postdoctoral fellow, supervisor: Prof. Dr. P. Gruss, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany

10/1997-01/2000, Postdoctoral fellow, supervisor: Prof. Dr. H.J. Cooke, MRC Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh, UK


Supplementary Career Information

2 children, *2000, 

08/2000 – 07/2001 (100% Parent time) 

08/2001 – 07/2003 (50% Parent time)


Engagement in the Research System 

Selected referee duties for DFG (Germany), NSF (USA), MRC (UK), INSERM (France), GIF (Israel), ANR (France), AvH (Germany), Wellcome Trust (UK), NSC (Poland), Deutsche Krebshilfe (Germany) 

Selected referee duties for Nature Neuroscience, Nature Communication, iScience, FEBS Letters, Nucleic Acids Research, Cell and Tissue Research, Journal of Vascular research, European Journal of Human Genetics

Diverse activities of academic self-governance in selection committees, gender diversity, mentoring programs, etc.


Supervision of Researchers in Early Career Phases

2017                                                   Cand. Bsc. N. Nebel, Universität Freiburg

2017                                                   Cand. Bsc. J. Brodbeck, Universität Freiburg

2017                                                   Cand. Bsc. P. Ruschin, Universität Freiburg

2018                                                   Cand. Bsc. V. Knorpel, Universität Freiburg

2018                                                   Cand. Msc. R. Grethen, Universität Freiburg

2019                                                   Cand. Bsc. R. Salz, Universität Freiburg

2020                                                   Cand. Bsc. D. Koutsogiannis, Universität Freiburg

2021                                                   Cand. Msc. V. Shree, Universität Freiburg

2022                                                   Cand. Msc. A. Rojas Caballero, Universität Freiburg

2022                                                   Cand. Msc. P. Joshi, Universität Freiburg

2023                                                   Cand. Msc. S. Lebel, Universität Freiburg


2010 - 2015                                       Dipl. Biol. N. Hellbach, Universität Freiburg

2010 - 2015                                       MSc. S. Wahane, Universität Freiburg

2011 - 2015                                       Dipl. Pharm. D. Roidl, Universität Freiburg

2012 - 2017                                       Dipl. Biochem. S. Weise, Universität Freiburg

2014 - 2020                                       MSc. G. Arumugam, Universität Freiburg

2016 - 2021                                       MSc A. Gray de Cristoforis, Universität Freiburg

2017 - 2021                                       MSc. B. Appiah, Universität Freiburg

2017 - 2021                                       MSc. A. Salas, Universität Freiburg

2018 - 2021                                       MSc. T. Rauleac, Universität Freiburg

2020 - 2024                                       MSc. I. Akol, Universität Freiburg

since 2021                                         C. Fullio, Universität Freiburg

since 2024                                         MSc. R. Xu, Universität Freiburg

since 2024                                         MSc. A. Ardeshirdavani, Universität Freiburg


Scientific Results

Publications where I was primarily conceptualising the project, interpreted the data, wrote or substantially edited the manuscripts.

Izzo A*, Akol I, Villarreal A, Lebel S, Garcia-Miralles M, Cheffer A, Bovio P, Heidrich S, Vogel T* (2023). Nucleophosmin 1 cooperates with the methyltransferase DOT1L to preserve peri-nucleolar heterochromatin organization by regulating H3K27me3 levels and DNA repeats expression. Epigenetics Chromatin.  28;16(1):36. doi: 10.1186/s13072-023-00511-9. *shared correspondance 

Cheffer A, Garcia-Miralles M, Maier E, Akol I, Franz H, Srinivasan VSV, Vogel T (2023) DOT1L deletion impairs the development of cortical parvalbumin-expressing interneurons. Cereb Cortex.  11:bhad281. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhad281. 

Appiah B, Fullio CL, Ossola C, Bertani I, Restelli E, Cheffer A, Polenghi M, Haffner C, Garcia-Miralles M, Zeis P, Treppner M, Bovio P, Schlichtholz L, Mas-Sanchez A, Zografidou L, Winter J, Binder H, Grün D, Kalebic N, Taverna E, Vogel T (2023) DOT1L activity affects neural stem cell division mode and reduces differentiation and ASNS expression. EMBO Rep.  29:e56233. doi: 10.15252/embr.202256233. 

Akol I, Izzo A, Gather F, Strack S, Heidrich S, Ó hAilín D, Villarreal A, Hacker C, Rauleac T, Bella C, Fischer A, Manke T, Vogel T (2023) Multimodal epigenetic changes and altered NEUROD1 chromatin binding in the mouse hippocampus underlie FOXG1 syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120(2):e2122467120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2122467120.  

Treppner M, Salas-Bastos A, Hess M, Lenz S, Vogel T, Binder H (2021) Synthetic single cell RNA sequencing data from small pilot studies using deep generative models. Sci Rep. 11(1):9403-11. 

Ferrari F, Arrigoni L, Franz H, Izzo A, Butenko L, Trompouki E, Vogel T*, Manke T* (2020) DOT1L-mediated murine neuronal differentiation associates with H3K79me2 accumulation and preserves SOX2-enhancer accessibility. Nat Comm 11:5200. *shared correspondance

Gray de Cristoforis A, Ferrari F, Clotman F, Vogel T (2020). Differentiation and localization of interneurons in the developing spinal cord depends on DOT1L expression. Mol Brain.;13(1):85. 

Franz H, Villarreal A, Heidrich S, Videm P, Kilpert F, Mestres I, Calegari F, Backofen R, Manke T, Vogel T (2019) DOT1L promotes progenitor proliferation and primes neuronal layer identity in the developing cerebral cortex. Nucleic Acids Res 47(1): 168-183.

Weise SC, Arumugam G, Villarreal A, Videm P, Heidrich S, Nebel N, Dumit VI, Sananbenesi F, Reimann V, Craske M, Schilling O, Hess W, Fischer A, Backofen R, Vogel T (2019) FOXG1 regulates PRKAR2B transcriptionally and posttransciptionally via miR200 in the adult hippocampus. Mol Neurobiol (56):5188-5201. 

Bovio PP, Franz H, Heidrich S, Rauleac T, Kilpert F, Manke T, Vogel T (2019) Differential Methylation of H3K79 Reveals DOT1L Target Genes and Function in the Cerebellum In Vivo. Mol Neuro (56): 4273-4287.

Weise SC, Villarreal A, Heidrich S, Dehghanian F, Schachtrup C, Nestel S, Schwarz J, Thedieck K, Vogel T (2018) TGFβ-Signaling and FOXG1-Expression Are a Hallmark of Astrocyte Lineage Diversity in the Murine Ventral and Dorsal Forebrain. Front Cell Neurosci,12. 

Hoffmann N, Weise SC, Marinaro F, Vogel T and De Pietri Tonelli D (2018) DGCR8 Promotes Neural Progenitor Expansion and Represses Neurogenesis in the Mouse Embryonic Neocortex. Front. Neurosci. 12:281. 

Bovio P, Roidl D, Heidrich S, Vogel T, Franz H (2018) Isolation and Cultivation of Neural Progenitors Followed by Chromatin-Immunoprecipitation of Histone 3 Lysine 79 Dimethylation Mark. J Vis Exp Jan 26;(131). 

Grassi D, Franz H, Vezzali R, Bovio P, Heidrich S, Dehghanian F, Lagunas N, Belzung C, Krieglstein K, Vogel T (2017) Neuronal Activity, TGFβ-Signaling and Unpredictable Chronic Stress Modulate Transcription of Gadd45 Family Members and DNA Methylation in the Hippocampus. Cereb Cortex:1–16.

Roidl D, Hellbach N, Bovio P, Villarreal A, Heidrich S, Nestel S, Grüning B, Bönisch U, Vogel T (2016) DOT1L activity promotes proliferation and protects cortical neural stem cells from activation of ATF4-DDIT3-mediated ER stress in vitro. Stem Cells 34(1):233-45.

Vezzali R, Weise SC, Hellbach N, Machado V, Heidrich S, Vogel T (2016) The FOXG1/FOXO/SMAD network balances proliferation and differentiation of cortical progenitors and activates Kcnh3 expression in mature neurons. Oncotarget, 7(25): 37436-37455. 

Hellbach N, Weise SC, Vezzali R, Wahane SD, Heidrich S, Roidl D, Pruszak J, Esser JS, Vogel T (2014) Neural deletion of Tgfbr2 impairs angiogenesis through an altered secretome. Hum Mol Genet 23(23):6177-90.

Wahane SD, Hellbach N, Prentzell MT, Weise SC, Vezzali R, Kreutz C, Timmer J, Krieglstein K, Thedieck K, Vogel T (2014) PI3K-p110-alpha-subtype signalling mediates survival, proliferation and neurogenesis of cortical progenitor cells via activation of mTORC2. J Neurochem.130(2): 255-67. 

Büttner N, Johnsen SA, Kügler S, Vogel T (2010) Af9/Mllt3 interferes with Tbr1 expression through epigenetic modification of histone H3K79 during development of upper layers in the cerebral cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(15): 7042-7.

Vogel T, Ahrens S, Buttner N, Krieglstein K (2009) Transforming Growth Factor β Promotes Neuronal Cell Fate of Mouse Cortical and Hippocampal Progenitors In Vitro and In Vivo: Identification of Nedd9 as an Essential Signaling Component. Cereb Cortex 20(3): 661-71.


Publications were I contributed as co-author to some experimentation shown in the publications:

Ehrmann I, Gazzara MR, Pagliarini V, Dalgliesh C, Chadegani MK, Xu Y, Cesari E, Danilenko M, Maclennan M, Lowdon K, Vogel T, Keskivali-Bond P, Wells S, Cater H, Fort P, Koref MS, Middei S, Sette C, Clowry GJ, Barash Y, Cunningham M, Elliott DJ (2016) A SLM2 Feedback Pathway Controls Cortical Network Activity and Mouse Behavior. Cell Rep 17(12):3269-3280.

Seehusen FA, Kiel K, Jottini S, Wohlsein P, Habierski A, Seibel K, Vogel T, Urlaub H, Kollmar M, Baumgärtner W, Teichmann U (2016) Axonopathy in the Central Nervous System Is the Hallmark of Mice with a Novel Intragenic Null Mutation of Dystonin. Genetics. 204(1): 191-203. 

Kosinsky RL, Wegwitz F, Hellbach N, Dobbelstein M, Mansouri A, Vogel T, Begus-Nahrmann Y, Johnsen SA (2015) Usp22 deficiency impairs intestinal epithelial lineage specification in vivo. Oncotarget 6(35):37906-18. 

Karpiuk O, Najafova Z, Kramer F, Hennion M, Galonska C, König A, Snaidero N, Vogel T, Shchebet TA, Begus-Nahrmann Y, Kassem M, Simons M, Shcherbata H, Beissbarth T, Johnsen SA (2012) The histone H2B monoubiquitination regulatory pathway is required for differentiation of multipotent stem cells. Molecular Cell 46(5): 705–713. 

Britanova O, de Juan RC, Cheung A, Kwan KY, Schwark M, Gyorgy A, Vogel T, Akopov S, Mitkovski M, Agoston D, Sestan N, Molnar Z, Tarabykin V (2008) Satb2 is a postmitotic determinant for upper-layer neuron specification in the neocortex. Neuron 57: 378-392.


Overview articles:

Akol I, Gather F, Vogel T (2022) Paving Therapeutic Avenues for FOXG1 Syndrome: Untangling Genotypes and Phenotypes from a Molecular Perspective. Int J Mol Sci 23: 954.  

Villarreal A, Vogel T  (2022) Different flavors of astrocytes: Revising the origins of astrocyte diversity and epigenetic signatures to understand heterogeneity after injury. Int J Mol Sci, 22:6867.

Hou PS, hAilín DÓ, Vogel T, Hanashima C (2020) Transcription and Beyond: Delineating FOXG1 Function in Cortical Development and Disorders. Front Cell Neurosci. 2020;14:35.

Vogel T, Lassmann S (2014) Epigenetics: development, dynamics and disease. Cell Tissue Res. 356:451-455. 

Backofen R, Vogel T (2014) Biological and bioinformatical approaches to study crosstalk of long-non-coding RNAs and chromatin-modifying proteins. Cell Tissue Res. 356:507-526. 

Vogel T, Schmidtke J (1998) Structure and function of TSPY, the Y-chromosome gene coding for the "testis-specific protein". Cytogenet Cell Genet 80: 209-213.


Public available datasets: 

BioProject: PRJNA282071, PRJNA287208

GEO: GSE101945, GSE, 101947, GSE101949, GSE104169, GSE106801, GSE106802, GSE135318, GSE142188, GSE90508, GSE90509, GSE95831, GSE95832, GSE95833

ProeomeXchange/PRIDE: PXD005072


Academic Distinctions

1994-1997             Doctoral fellowship (DFG RTG Molecular Pathophysiology of Cell Growth) 

1998-2000             Travelling Research Fellowship of the Wellcome Trust, UK

2000-2001             Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Max-Planck-Society

2011                       Award for the best Habilitation of the University Medicine Göttingen

since 2017             Speaker of the RTG 2344 “MeInBio-BioInMe”


Member of the Freiburg iPS Core 
