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Lab Prof. Dr. Tanja Vogel

We aim to answer these questions with regard to the developing central nervous system using mouse models, mouse stem cells, human induced pluripotent stem cells, and organoids. Methods include amongst others high throughput sequencing techniques, e.g. ChIP-seq, (single cell) RNA-seq, (single cell) ATAC-seq with bioinformatics analyses, and imaging techniques like smFISH.


 Hear Tanja explain our research in episode 114 of Active Motif's Epigenetics podcast:


Three new publications on the role of DOT1L in development:

We show that DOT1L activity affects neural stem cell division mode and reduces differentiation and ASNS expression

And that DOT1L deletion impairs the development of cortical parvalbumin-expressing interneurons

Together with nucleophosmin 1, DOT1L preserves peri-nucleolar heterochromatin organization


Scientific projects

 1. Epigenetic modifications instruct stem cells during central nervous system development


Stem cells are the basis for tissue generation and renewal. A tightly regulated balance between cell division and exit from the cell cycle ensures proper cell differentiation and tissue development. An  imbalance in either direction can result in cancer and diseases.

One molecular mechanism in place is control of gene activity, for example by chemical modification of the DNA at the chromatin level, i.e. through epigenetic modifications. Epigenetic modifications include for example histone modifications,that impact on CNS development.

Want to know more? Click here.




2. FOXG1 and the aetiology of FOXG1-syndrome


The transcription factor FOXG1 is necessary for proper brain development and its mutation causes severe neurodevelopment defects. We are interested to understand the diverse molecular functions of FOXG1, and what renders it as essential player in the developing forebrain. Using in vitro and in vivo approaches we are studying the effects of altered expression of the mouse and human FOXG1.

Want to know more? Click here





3. Signaling to chromatin 



Signaling pathways connect the environment, in which a cell is embedded, with the molecular machinery localized in the cell's interior. Through a cascade of events, information is transported from the outside to the nucleus and translated into a particular gene activity. Several pathways are important for organ development, function, homeostasis and further cellular mechanisms. We studied in the context of forebrain stem cells the Transforming growth factor β and Insulin-like growth factor.

Want to know more? Click here.





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Overview articles


Book chapter

Insulin/IGF-Signalling in Embryonic and Adult Neural Proliferation and Differentiation in the Mammalian Central Nervous System


Scientific publications in Medline

Research Database University Freiburg


Join the lab!

We are looking for a postdoc! Please see here for details.

We are always happy about applications from motivated Bachelor and Master students for internships. These can potentially lead to a thesis or student helper activity.

PhD and postdoc candidates are also welcome to apply with their own funding.


Memberships and Funding


SPP2502 EPIADAPT "Epigenomic adaptations of the developing neural chromatin” will start in summer 2025, coordinated by Tanja.


MeInBio logo 

GRK 2344 "MeInBio" "Exploration of spatio-temporal dynamics of gene regulation using high-throughput and high-resolution methods"



associate member SPP 2202 "Spatial Genome Architecture in Development and Disease"


associate member CRC 1597 "Small Data"



member of the Freiburg iPS Core.


DFG logo




Stefanie Heidrich

Dr. Fabian Gather

Dr. Velina Bachvarova-Matic

Dr. Marta Garcia-Miralles

Micha Fauth

Dr. Stefanie Strack

Patrick Bovio